It’s July 14th, the sun set about an hour and half ago. This afternoon, your mother and I brought you home from the hospital. One day, when you are ready, I will share this letter with you because I think reflection is important for personal growth. I can hear Mishifu downstairs meowing and I’m sitting
Author: fatherlinux
There’s a Liquidity Crisis of Fucks
So, I’m at the gas station today and and this guy starts screaming at me. He says, “listen buddy, I don’t like the way you’r…” and I cut him off. I pull out my wallet, open it in front of him, and scream, “you see this fucks wallet? It’s empty buddy!!!” Then, I logged in
He Is Eternally at The Office
My father never worked at an office. He wasn’t the type of guy to even have a home office. Hell, there were times when he didn’t even have a home, much less an office. Nonetheless, the cover on his burial niche says “at the office” on it. This requires some explaining. My father, Don McCarty,
Enjoy Your Time at The Top of The Food Chain
This morning, I was walking with a friend of mine after getting coffee. Suddenly, he stopped and was looking down at something. I stopped and leaned over to look. There was this nestling bird moving it’s wings and legs helplessly. We stood and looked for a second, debated what we might do, looked for a
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Drunk Driving is Less Dangerous than The Common Flu
I’m pissed and you should be too! Our government is taking our rights away and destroying our economy. Here are some facts!!! People hate facts: Fact:Drunk driving (or as the British call it, Drink Driving – they’re so crazy) kills substantially less people than the common flu. In 2018, the flu killed an estimated 61,099
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Comparing the Covid-19 Response The Right Way
Background The right way to compare the Covid-19 response is by Metropolitan Statistical Area in the US, or a roughly equivalent methodology which most other countries use (Example: Germany uses Metropolitan Regions). These metro areas are the best unit of measurement when comparing a country’s response because of several reasons: A metro area represents a
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Celebrating our Survival

I am not celebrating his death, I am celebrating our survival. I’m celebrating the ones that try. Survival is savagely satisfying. Each day is a blessing. Within each of us burns the desire to survive; given to us by our ancestors spanning 15-20K generations of hard work. Through cold, rainy, hungry days. Through dry, thirsty,
A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Abortion
I’ve noticed that I have a lot of friends with wildly ranging opinions on Abortion. This made me curious about the statistics. Here are some observations that I found interesting about the numbers: More men in the United States are pro-choice more than pro-life [1] 46% pro-life, 48% pro-choice All women over 30 years old
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My Covid-19 Training Routine
Over the past 3-4 years, the core of my training has centered around barbells, typically with some sort of undulating or linear progressions like a 5×5 or Wendler 5/3/1. Given that the gym is out of the question, while we are on quarantine, combined with the fact that we are preparing for a new baby,
The Ludicrous, Ridiculous, Nonsensical and Derisory Words List
I am a founding member of the secret group known only as Caos. It is known to some, that I am also a Black Belt Master of Mayhem. This invests me with a total of 16 votes, by myself, enough votes to codify this even if one or two of you don’t like it. That
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