One time, I’d had a few drinks and I was sitting with a group of acquaintances and they asked if I believed in God. I tried not to answer, but they kept pushing me. Without me answering, they detected wavering and assumed the worst. They asked “what would you have to see to to believe!?!?”
Tag: Podcast Topic
What Are You Running From?

Trekkers and hikers have a saying: “you pack your fears.” Runners and cyclists often talk about “what they’re running from or running toward. And, if you find it, will you quit running?” Ruckers have a saying they stole from the military: “embrace the suck!” At first glance, these different sayings might not seem to have
Top-line and Bottom-line Thinking

I’ve been lucky enough to have four major careers, and a bachelor’s degree that has nothing to do with any of them (LinkedIn), so I’ve been exposed to patterns that aren’t commonly seen by a single individual person. With each of my professional careers, there were different cultures, ways of thinking, complaints, etc, but one