I think my feelings on illegal immigration have at last reached critical mass. Arizona’s new social travesty masquerading as a Law is akin to punching Lady Liberty in the bread box. I am ashamed to share a nationality with these people. No illegal immigrants are taking jobs from “us”. There is no “us” and “them”.
Author: fatherlinux
Allocation and Consequence
This weekend, I found the consequences of a hawk catching a pigeon in my driveway. It basically looked as though a grenade had blown it to pieces. There were about a hundred and fifty feathers spread all over, strangely, there was not much red in the picture. This led me to a few thoughts on
Healthcare Law Henceforth
I propose a new law that will empower all people. It is called the Health Care Reform Amendment Act 2010 and will henceforth be called The Law, with all the weight and profundity so implied. Past reforms have proposed ridiculous ideas such as giving all people free health care managed by the government, while others
Poor and Minority Effects on the Subprime Crisis & The Economy as a Whole
This supposed link between minorities and the sub-prime crisis has bothered me for quite some time. Many conservatives are making the argument that illegal immigrants, minorities or the poor along with their Democratic allies have somehow created this sub-prime crisis. My fundamental argument is that the poor and minorities don’t control enough wealth to have
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Microsoft’s Mojo
Just read this article and, I hate to admit it; I really, really hate to admit it. I think Microsoft is right on with this one and it scares me. I see so many people looking at new technology in this down economy and that is helping Redhat because MS Server with SQL Server is
Ultra Libertarians vs. Compasionate Anarchocapitalists
I often read Matt Assay’s “Open Road”. For the most part I like reading his take on the open source world, but every now and then he posts something that makes me feel like I am researching lesser known connections of some political organization. Really, I didn’t know the Heritage Foundation was connected to Chechnyan
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Comparison of Open Source Activity by Country
My senior year in college I wrote a paper about Open Source and it’s implementation in Brazil. This work follows that same line of thought. This is really cool because it shows how different governments are implementing open source. It’s especially interesting that some countries (USA, China) have such active communities, while other countries (France,
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Why I use Linux
I use Linux for several philosophical reasons and technical reasons. I think open source code is open knowledge and pretty much a basic human right. This article highlights why others use open source. One of his most innovative ideas, is people don’t criticize you for the way you do something, they normally say, “Hey, I
Arlen Specter has always been interesting
This article is fairly long and comes off at times a defense piece for Alren Specter, but in general his points are well taken for me. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/22656