Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine

Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine

Tim Snyder provides a rich background on Ukraine and it’s relationship with the kingdoms before Russia, all the way up to the modern day. He also argues that the war in Ukraine isn’t really about “getting the band back together” (Soviet Union), it’s more about embarrassing Ukraine and showing his own people that Russians are

Russian Roulette and Little Green Men

Russian Roulette and Little Green Men

From time to time, I still go back and watch this series of reporting by Simon Ostrovsky from Vice News in 2014 during the Russian invasion of Crimea. I remember watching it each day as the situation in Crimea was unfolding. Simon Ostrovsky is such a bad ass for just wondering around and asking Russian

Back to Black on Crosby Street

Back to Black on Crosby Street

One night around 2010, I came home after a night out and played an interpretation of Back to Black alone at 4AM, full blast, on my Fender Telecaster and Reverb amp, by the fireplace of my ceepy 1893 house. My voice horse, from a late night out. The wood creaking, the eerie feeling of that

Optimistic Nihilism

Sometimes, when I’m in public, I look around at all of the random people I don’t know, and I truly celebrate our existence. I take a second to appreciate us. Us! We are literally amazing. We’re all obviously the outcome of 330,000 years of modern human brains doing the impossible to give us existence. And,

Introduction to Adventure Riders Ohio Routes

Introduction to Adventure Riders Ohio Routes

The Adventure Riders Ohio Facebook group to join if you’re new to Adventure riding and you live in Ohio. The group administrators are quite active, post cool routes, and are very responsive to questions from new people. There are nearly 10,000 people in the group as of this writing and the user base is quite

In Search of The Perfect Water Bottle

In Search of The Perfect Water Bottle

Around 2016, I randomly bought a Rubbermaid 20oz water bottle at the local grocery store. Little did I know this would lead to a love affair and associated heartbreak! 😂 I gave little thought to this water bottle when I bought it. Previous to this, I didn’t even use water bottles. Over the years, out

Trials Lingo

I wasn’t sure if I should call this article trials terminology, trials glossary, trials dictionary or trials lingo! Anyway, the point is, if you’re new to trials riding, all of the terminology can be very confusing, so here’s a list to help you:

2025: Rejecting The Attention-Seeking Economy

2025: Rejecting The Attention-Seeking Economy

Last night, Jake Paul fought Mike Tyson in an exhibition match. I refused to watch it, even though it was on Netflix and I already have a subscription. Jake Paul is one of the leaders in the attention-seeking economy. He’s figured out a way to thread the needle, arranging fights which make everyone mad, because

A Little Nihilism and Intellectual Gluttony

In September and October of 2024, I spent 3 weeks riding motorcycles 1600 miles through Nepal and Tibet. After two weeks, there was a storm and the border road flooded out. We couldn’t cross back into Nepal, and spent a couple of days on the Tibet side in a tiny town called Gyirong without power