About Nate (unshakenx)
About Mike (hammerhead)
The world isn’t kind or fair. Its not just. We have no grand purpose or design; no special blueprint evinced by the omniscience of a deific being presiding over the universe. There isn’t anything after this. We will never know what came before us. Free will is a mirage facilitated by enfeebled understanding.
I didn’t start life with that grim outlook. It took a lot to get here. But in all that, I learned what I think is most important. If we have nothing else, we have at least each other. That simple truth keeps me in line and forms the basis upon which my core beliefs have been built. It takes the magic out of the equation. It makes you feel as if you really are your brother’s keeper. It helps you to see that even when it isn’t your fault, you can still try and take responsibility. It’s just us here…and it’s all what we make of it.
About Melina (heissfrau)
I am a human being.
About Jake (balance)
About Patrick (unshakenx)
About Scott (fatherlinux)
I grew up fairly poor so when I graduated high school I felt quite ill equipped for the world ahead. As I aged, I made progress and finally, at 32, I graduated from college with a Bachelors degree. I looked back at all of the time and effort spent at University. I felt like I had learned so much, yet things were essentially the same.
Now I analyze political issues with tools that I didn’t even know existed when I was younger. Interestingly, I still come to many of the same conclusions as the younger me did, but with a completely different set of tools. These new tools allow me to see and measure more social variables, but the magical part is, though I feel quite strongly about many problems that our world is struggling with, I still feel quite a bit of confusion about the rest of them. This juxtaposition is what I call educated confusion.
If you are interested in my professional work it is located at: http://crunchtools.com