I am not celebrating his death, I am celebrating our survival. I’m celebrating the ones that try. Survival is savagely satisfying. Each day is a blessing. Within each of us burns the desire to survive; given to us by our ancestors spanning 15-20K generations of hard work. Through cold, rainy, hungry days. Through dry, thirsty,
Month: April 2020
A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Abortion
I’ve noticed that I have a lot of friends with wildly ranging opinions on Abortion. This made me curious about the statistics. Here are some observations that I found interesting about the numbers: More men in the United States are pro-choice more than pro-life [1] 46% pro-life, 48% pro-choice All women over 30 years old
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My Covid-19 Training Routine
Over the past 3-4 years, the core of my training has centered around barbells, typically with some sort of undulating or linear progressions like a 5×5 or Wendler 5/3/1. Given that the gym is out of the question, while we are on quarantine, combined with the fact that we are preparing for a new baby,
The Ludicrous, Ridiculous, Nonsensical and Derisory Words List
I am a founding member of the secret group known only as Caos. It is known to some, that I am also a Black Belt Master of Mayhem. This invests me with a total of 16 votes, by myself, enough votes to codify this even if one or two of you don’t like it. That
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